We invite all of those interested in presenting a paper to submit a summary of less than 300 words, including Name, Company and e-mail of the author(s), Title, Purpose of the paper and subject matter where you think that the topic fits.


  • Geo-modeling
  • Static and Dynamic modeling
  • Reservoir management & optimization
  • History matching and Uncertainty analysis
  • Tools and Developments/Progress in the Simulators
  • Integrating Subsoil with Topsoil   
  • Simulation of unconventional scenarios 

The deadline to submit papers is May 15, 2015 and these must be sent via e-mail to: adivito@iapg.org.ar. The author(s) of the papers selected will receive a confirmation by May 29.

During the Seminar, presentations will be carried out in PowerPoint and we expect interaction with the attendees. To highlight this interaction, the dynamics will rely on a 20-minute presentation, leaving 10 minutes for questions and answers and contributions. Submission of the presentation and formal written paper or publication of any kind of summary (in the form of abstract or magazine) will be at the discretion of the author. 

Besides, there will be further conferences on specific topics of interest presented by renowned professionals, who are popular abroad.  

In order to improve participation and collaboration, the event will also include a Peers Discussion on specific topics related to uses on simulation and with a broad spectrum of opinions.

Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas
Maipú 639 - (C1006ACG) Buenos Aires, Argentina - (54 11) 5277 IAPG (4274) - congresos@iapg.org.ar