Round Tables

The future of Exploration and Development  presents some challenges that require perseverance in the quest for conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons, in both onshore and offshore basins. In this context, the diversity in business scales and company strategies merits to segment this discussion into two plenary sessions for consideration and debate. These sessions will be held during #CONEXPLO22 on Wednesday November 9th and Thursday November 10th upon closing of the technical sessions.


Ricardo Manoni


Round tables. E&D Challenges


Day 1 - High Capital Demanding Projects.

  • Meeting 1. 2 companies. Offshore Exploration & Development.
  • Meeting 2. 2 companies. Shale Oil & Gas Development.


Day 2  - Mature Basins Development Improvement.

  • Meeting 1. 2 companies. GSJ & Austral Basin Gas Projects.
  • Meeting 2. 2 companies. Neuquén Basin Oil & Tight Gas Projects.

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