Special Publications

#CONEXPLO22 is pleased to announce the presentation the book “Chronicles of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development in Argentina”, which goes over the last half a century of public and private activity in the hydrocarbon industry.


The Exploration and Development Committee, organizer of the event, has committed to the elaboration of a book that comprehensively develops a retrospective and valuing look, together with an outlook for the future, on the evolution of our activity throughout the last 50 years. The decisions faced according to the context, the exploration strategies and the entrepreneurial vision of the key players in our recent history are shared through its pages.


As a tangible, human testimony and a reflection of everyday life, the book collects unknown stories of our activity, which only reside in the memory of the persons involved and cannot be found in technical reports or industry-related publications. Over a hundred professionals and technicians, who are and have been part of this oil and gas community for many decades, tell and describe for us, in the form of chronicles, the facts, anecdotes and details of their own experiences. Several of them are related to many of the discoveries made in our basins during this period, and are part of the legacy of expertise and data accumulated in our territory.


The book tries to express the spirit and passion that these persons demonstrated in their activities to address the unknown, with the tools and means of the moment, and celebrate the results obtained. The stories are related with field or office work, in a variety of activities as field geology, geophysics, cartography, laboratory, wellsite operations and many other, narrated in a lively manner for all readers, industry related or not. Lastly, this book intends to leave a message to the new actors of the sector, where today’s technology easies remote work and follow-up of many activities, something unimaginable in those days.




Cordinator Group:


Claudia Borbolla (Total Austral S.A.)

Carlos Cruz (Socio Personal)

José María Gonzalez (CAPSA)

Cristina Masarik (Chevron Argentina S.R.L.)

Ricardo Manoni (YPF S.A.)

Muriel Miller (Socio Personal)

Sigfrido Nielsen (Geoinfo S.R.L.)

Victor Ploszkiewicz (Socio Personal)

Marcelo Santiago (ENAP Sipetrol Argentina S.A.)

Federico Spath (YPF S.A.)


Gustavo Vergani,

Socio Personal

Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas

Maipú 639 (C1006ACG) - Tel: (54 11) 5277 IAPG (4274)

Buenos Aires - Argentina

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