Symposium: Microseismic and Passive Seismic

The symposium will cover two areas of geophysical activity that intend to characterize rock failure through the analysis of the seismic signals generated by such events.


In the case of microseismic, custom-designed sensor arrays deployed in one or more wells, over the surface or buried near below, can monitor the extremely low energy events associated to reservoir hydraulic stimulation. The microseismic analysis provide information on the spatial distribution, extension and origin of the fractures created along with information on key properties of the formation that add to the well production capacity modelling.


Passive seismic involves highly sensitive seismological networks distributed over large areas around a field or region of interest in order to monitor mainly very small natural seismic events. The analysis of this information, with origin on a variety of sources in a wide range of depths, for at least a few years, allows the production of a catalogue that allows to identify areas of present or prone to develop seismic activity.


The symposium will feature the past, present and future development of these two areas. In particular, it will deal with the main technologies used and results obtained in our industry, including new developments and their potential impact in the quality of the results obtained.





  • Microseismic monitoring:
  • Logging techniques
  • Event identification and analysis.
  • Characterization of event logs.
  • Interpretation.
  • Integration with other techniques and disciplines.
  • Contribution to well completion analysis and its relationship with production.


  • Passive seismics:
  • Network design and deployment.
  • Characterization of induced events.
  • Event determination and cataloging.
  • Monitoring targets.
  • Case studies.



Reference Team:


David Curia

Luis Pianelli, Phoenix Global

Neptalí Requena, Tecpetrol

Juan Quiroga, Vista Oil & Gas

Juan Moirano, Pan American Energy

Soledad Lagos, YPF

Ramiro Santivañez, Schlumberger

Raúl Varela,  Tecpetrol


Luis Vernengo

Pan American Energy L.S.

Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas

Maipú 639 (C1006ACG) - Tel: (54 11) 5277 IAPG (4274)

Buenos Aires - Argentina

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