Symposium: Mature Fields



Presentation of technical papers and case studies associated to the hydrocarbon development in mature fields that allow identifying the importance of integral subsurface studies and works, share best practices and highlight the role of geosciences and reservoir engineering as the foundations underlying decision-making.


“Latin America has 1,700 fields producing crude oil, with volumes of 5.3 million barrels per day. Forty-five percent of these 1,700 reservoirs and almost 800 production fields have more than 30 years of history. In the last 5 years, 150 additional fields have been put into production, and only these are contributing with 3% (approximately) of regional production”. “The most important data is the eventual recovery of these reservoirs, which is estimated to be 22% at the end of their life. Should this value be incremented to 27%, this would generate almost 30 billion additional barrels to the reserves”. Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina have 80% of the remaining crude oil reserves in Latin America”.





  • Mature fields (definition and concepts on mature fields potential, etc.).
  • Mature field management.
  • Secondary recovery / EOR, secondary recovery optimization: Water shutoff operations, water conformance.
  • Primary production well development with deep conventional targets and/or tight gas reservoirs.
  • Case studies
  • Geological and Geophysical (G&G) studies and RE studies (reservoir geophysics, description and characterization of reservoirs; reservoir modeling and simulation applicable to MF)


Reference Team:


Patricia Pagliero, YPF

Ariel Schiuma, Pluspetrol

Ernesto Aimar, CGC

Diego Martin Potenzoni, PAE

Diego Nelson Masante, PAE

Gerardo Laiz, TotalEnergies


Tania Galarza

Pluspetrol S.A.

Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas

Maipú 639 (C1006ACG) - Tel: (54 11) 5277 IAPG (4274)

Buenos Aires - Argentina

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