General Registration
You can register for the Congress through the following options:
(for payments by credit card)
Until 26/09/2022
From 27/09/2022
IAPG Members*
U$D 800
U$D 960
IAPG Non Members*
U$D 960
U$D 1.150
Author of Technical Paper*
U$D 700
U$D 150
(for payments by credit card or checking account)
Download Registration Form
*The registration fee includes: delivery of material; access to all the Technical Sessions of the Congress, Symposia and Geotechnology Meeting and the Social Program
** The value of student registration does not include delivery of material (it will be sent to the Universities) or access to the Social Program. This fee enables only access to all technical sessions.
This fee is valid only for undergraduate students who send the regular student certificate at the time of sending the registration.
Important: Student accreditation at the Cóndor de los Andes Hotel will take place from Wednesday, November 9 at 8:00 a.m. Student credentials will not be delivered on Tuesday 8
Due to administrative reasons, IAPG registration will necessarily close on 10/31/22 at 6 pm and will reopen at the Congress venue on Tuesday 11/06/22 at 3 pm
Important: cash payments are not accepted, both in dollars and pesos.
For tax and accounting purposes, any invoice issued in US dollars shall be paid in dollar notes or equivalent to the BNRA Exchange rate value corresponding to the previous day
No telephone cancellations shall be accepted. Cancellations shall be authentic and must be requested in writing or by mail. Cancellations requested before October 8, 2022 shall be refunded ten days following the event closure with a 20% discount corresponding to administrative expenses. Cancellations requested after that date shall not be refunded. Vacancies shall only be reserved against registration cash payment.
More information about registrations: Cynthia Restivo |
Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas
Maipú 639 (C1006ACG) - Tel: (54 11) 5277 IAPG (4274)
Buenos Aires - Argentina