Development and Sustainability

The development of conventional reservoirs is the driving force of the hydrocarbon industry, with 78% of oil contribution and 71% of gas contribution to the Argentine production.


Therefore, the best development of our conventional fields - in primary, secondary and/or tertiary production - is essential for the present and future of the industry.


This field addresses the aspects related to gas and oil resources development, including combined works on earth sciences and engineering, reservoir studies and operational matters, as well as those aspects associated with the environmental and social sustainability of this activity.





To challenge ourselves in relation to the knowledge, practices and methodologies to optimize the hydrocarbon production of our conventional and unconventional reservoirs; from the integration and analysis of the huge amount of data available - after all these years of development- the implementation of new technologies, and the execution of multidisciplinary static and dynamic studies associated to an efficient and sustainable hydrocarbon development.




  • Development
  • Primary recovery
  • Secondary recovery
  • Tertiary recovery
  • Heavy oils
  • Reservoir modeling and simulation
  • Geosciences and engineering combined studies
  • Tight and shale reservoir developments (*except VM)
  • Offshore developments
  • Well drilling, completion and stimulation technologies
  • Gas storage
  • Resources and reserves
  • Case studies
  • Sustainability
  • Aquifer protection
  • Environmental and remediation studies
  • Greenhouse gases emission reduction
  • Energy and Society

Reference Team:


Ramiro López, YPF

Luis Palacio, YPF

Pablo Lerena, Capsa

Aldo Montagna, YPF


Luciano Di Benedetto


Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas

Maipú 639 (C1006ACG) - Tel: (54 11) 5277 IAPG (4274)

Buenos Aires - Argentina

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