Call for Papers

Prospective authors should submit an abstract of 400 words maximum and 100 minimum, summarizing the scope and nature of the paper to submit.
Papers should have no commercial purpose or advertising messages.
Previously published papers can also be submitted as long as they help increase production and development of reserves and to the extent that they have been updated for this congress.

Both the abstracts and the papers can be submitted in Spanish or English.
In order to submit papers, authors should register to the Congress.
Final papers will be compiled in digital format.


Schedule for submitting abstracts and papers:

until 07/15/12

Send abstract to Organizing Committee

until 10/30/12

Notify author of abstract acceptance which does not mean the paper is accepted

until 01/21/123

Send complete paper

Note: Active participation in the Congress (speaker, exhibitor, panelist, etc.) entails implicit authorization to the organizing entity (IAPG, Argentine Institute of Oil and Gas) to freely reproduce the above mentioned interventions on any medium (digital, print, sound recordings, films, video recordings, etc), to the extent deemed necessary. The profits which might eventually be the result of the free reproduction of the material obtained shall be for the exclusive benefit of the IAPG

Only the abstracts and papers uploaded through the IAPG Congress System shall be accepted
To access the system:
Click here. If you uploaded a previous paper you have already registered therefore, you can log on using your personal ID (DNI for Argentina) and password. If you have not registered please follow these steps:

  • Click “registration” From this step onwards you will log on to the system with your ID and password.
  • Click “my data” to complete the missing information and to upload a short CV.

To upload abstracts:

  • Click “new” to upload your abstract following the system instructions: select congress, complete name of the paper, topic and abstract. When you finish, click “save”
  • You will receive an email confirming your abstract has been successfully uploaded in the system.
  • Once received the communication from the Technical Committee about the approval of your abstract you will be allowed to upload your complete paper. It must be a single file which includes text, images and charts.

To upload Papers:

  • Log on to the system with your ID and password.
  • On the “Papers” tab click the "edit log on” box on the right of the screen. You will be able to visualize your abstract together with the corresponding data.
  • At the bottom of the screen you will find the “Upload” button to upload the complete Paper.
  • Click “save” and the system will send you a notification that it has been successfully entered.

General rules for preparing Papers

Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas
Maipú 639 - (C1006ACG) Buenos Aires, Argentina - (54 11) 5277 IAPG (4274) -