Round Tables

The following Round Tables will be held at the Congress:

Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Hydrocarbons contribute over 90% of the energy consumed in Argentina. Reserves and production of oil and gas in conventional reservoirs are decreasing.
Tight gas and shale oil and gas together with shale gas and coal bed methane will make a significant contribution to reserves and production.
We have to bring experiences together to face the technical and economical challenges that will help us accomplish goals already accomplished in other parts of the world. Therefore, it is vital to have prices according to extraction costs which are higher than in conventional reservoirs.
At the same time, there is a need to become more efficient considering the challenges and the gradual improvement of technologies to be applied, particularly, in a context in which high investments make efficiency imperative in order to reduce the risks associated to these types of developments.
Representatives of producing companies with unconventional projects, together with national and provincial authorities will be invited to be part of the panel.

Mature Reservoirs
The development of unconventional oil and gas reservoir projects will take some time.  To face the growing demand of energy, optimizing production in mature conventional reservoirs becomes of utmost importance.
We must apply new technologies to maximize results in these fields, reducing operating costs in order to achieve an increase in production and reserves.
The following examples can be mentioned: re- characterize reservoirs, optimize volumetric efficiency in the distribution of injected water, reduce pipelines, apply improved stimulations, etc.
In gas fields, optimal compression and removal of fluids which flood the bottom of the well become essential topics. There is a need for new drilling and completion technologies in wells. Tools which ensure long term rapid decisions and comprehensive strategies are likewise necessary.
Speakers should focus on core points to reactivate mature areas so as to increase production and reserves.

New Technologies
New Technologies transform ideas into increased production, recovery, and profits in an environmentally friendly manner.
The purpose of this panel is to emphasize those ideas that could be directed to conventional and/or unconventional reservoirs and to maximize the contribution of Argentine industries either associated or not to the oil and gas industry.
New technologies guarantee additional reserves, considering that "in situ" residual hydrocarbons are proportionately high, as well as efficient approaches to "behind files" reserves in order to improve production.
Regardless whether the peak production theory comes true, new technologies, adequately weighed, help find, develop and produce more hydrocarbons.
Argentina has whatever is necessary to incorporate and boost new technologies. Effort is needed to make relevant industries join.
Representatives of the National Scientific System and the industry will be invited to the panel.


Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas
Maipú 639 - (C1006ACG) Buenos Aires, Argentina - (54 11) 5277 IAPG (4274) -