Gabriela González - Moderator
Zeus Öl
About Moderator:
Gabriela has a Bachelor's degree in Geological Sciences (UBA, 1996) and a Master's degree in Reservoir Engineering (IAPG, 1999) and she has carried out the Executive Development Program at IAE (2012).
During these 20 years of work experience as an Exploration and Production geologist and leader of subsurface exploration teams, she has worked for world-class companies such as YPF, Tecpetrol, Pan American Energy and Petrobras, in the characterization of conventional and unconventional reservoirs of oil & gas basins in Argentina and Bolivia.
In her years at PAE, as a leader in unconventional reservoirs, she participated and led multidisciplinary groups in several of the first shale oil & gas exploration and pilot projects and in the technical-economic analysis of unconventional plays.
At present, she is Geology Manager at Zeus Öl at Asunción (Paraguay), leading the team of geoscientists for deep exploration at the Paraguayan Chaco.